So I hope you're enjoying the new site! What you see here is a 'soft launch', we haven't actually spread the word on it just yet. Please don't feel left out if you stumbled on it without getting an update email, because we haven't sent them yet. The big announcement will come later this week, once we get more of the new pictures and items up, and tweak a few of the product categories for better navigation. Why isn't it fully finished today? Well, the site rebuild coincided with several other things going on, including traveling to Kingdom-con in San Diego, getting tons of orders shipped out, and of course the new figures such as the Maggot King being finalized.
Some of you may notice the site is now all about WarGamma, and the other Mr.Dandy stuff is gone (for now). For anyone who didn't know, WarGamma is my line of wargaming miniatures and terrain, and it's where all the action has been for me in the last four years. 'Mr.Dandy' is still my nickname and avatar! It just happens to be presiding mainly over WarGamma for right now.
If you have any comments on the new site, especially in you find anything missing or confusing to navigate, please let me know at the contact link!
A few people have been asking, 'When did you decide to start calling it 'WarGamma'? Uh, well, I have been! Since 2010!

Doesn't this ring a bell? It was at the top of every gaming product page since the beginning. Not to mention every promo card I handed out for over two years. And every web banner I ran on other sites. And my convention table signs. And so on!
If that tells me anything, it's that it was definitely time for a new logo!